Statistics & Research about Fort Valley,GA - Valley Insurance Service Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Fort Valley,GA an area served by Valley Insurance Service Inc

Phone : 478-825-2034

Real estate research for area nearby Valley Insurance Service Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Centerville 146,800 967 7.9
Dooly County 66,600 505 9.1
Byron 143,300 761 6.4
Bibb County 123,300 727 7.1
Pinehurst 73,800 566 9.2
Lizella 155,800 877 6.8
Oglethorpe 64,000 514 9.6
Byromville 39,900 590 17.7
Salem 86,500 527 7.3
Culloden 71,000 864 14.6

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Valley Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Centerville 67700
Dooly County 53500
Byron 80700
Bibb County 92800
Pinehurst 78600
Lizella 97100
Oglethorpe 52100
Byromville 28800
Salem 47300
Elko 95000
Macon 85700
Reynolds 115600
Culloden-Bolingbroke 136100
Cochran 78400

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Valley Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Centerville 136000
Dooly County 53000
Byron 130300
Bibb County 164200
Pinehurst 32500
Lizella 159600
Oglethorpe 80300
Byromville 45200
Salem 92200
Culloden 32000
Elko 100000
Macon 114300
Reynolds 86700
Culloden-Bolingbroke 195700
Cochran 91000

Number of blacks in places near by Valley Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of blacks
Centerville 1405
Dooly County 7505
Byron 2287
Bibb County 80153
Pinehurst 226
Lizella 6548
Oglethorpe 3005
Byromville 1070
Salem 466
Culloden 136
Elko 1269
Macon 60711
Reynolds 830
Culloden-Bolingbroke 1343
Cochran 3660

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by Valley Insurance Service Inc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Centerville 237100
Dooly County 57600
Byron 173700
Bibb County 191100
Pinehurst 73900
Lizella 184200
Oglethorpe 125500
Byromville 48200
Salem 138500
Culloden 316700
Elko 250700
Macon 131800
Reynolds 312500
Culloden-Bolingbroke 286700
Cochran 137800