Statistics & Research about Griffin,GA - M Insurance Services Llc

Here are some statistics & research about Griffin,GA an area served by M Insurance Services Llc

Phone : 770-227-1419

Car dealers nearby M Insurance Services Llc

Cronic Chevrolet Buick Gmc

Cronic Chevrolet Buick GMC 2676 North Expressway Griffin, GA 30224
Phone: (866) 759-1183

Cronic Chevrolet Buick Gmc

Cronic Chevrolet Buick GMC, 2676 North Expressway, Griffin, GA 30224
Phone: (866) 759-1183

Real estate research for area nearby M Insurance Services Llc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Hapeville 116,900 916 9.4
Jenkinsburg 118,300 685 6.9
The Rock-Yatesville 133,300 803 7.2
Flovilla 151,000 856 6.8
Barnesville 108,200 603 6.7
Stockbridge 144,200 1043 8.7
Thomaston 81,400 597 8.8
Vaughn 139,200 767 6.6
Manchester 82,100 691 10.1
McDonough 171,900 1065 7.4

Number of houses with five or more bedrooms in places near by M Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of five bedroom or above five bedroom hoses
Hapeville 14
Jenkinsburg 8
The Rock-Yatesville 23
Flovilla 35
Barnesville 239
Stockbridge 1851
Thomaston 122
Vaughn 104
Manchester 10
McDonough 3725
Moreland 141
Butts County 477
Molena 7
Hampton 733
Towalaga 104

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by M Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Hapeville 508
Jenkinsburg 60
The Rock-Yatesville 39
Flovilla 17
Barnesville 387
Stockbridge 785
Thomaston 678
Vaughn 8
Manchester 129
McDonough 1458
Moreland 28
Butts County 418
Hampton 46
Towalaga 9

Number of 10 Year old houses in places near by M Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of 10 year old houses
Hapeville 79900
Jenkinsburg 168800
The Rock-Yatesville 206300
Flovilla 183300
Barnesville 117900
Stockbridge 173800
Thomaston 210300
Vaughn 157000
McDonough 196100
Moreland 220200
Butts County 138700
Molena 98300
Hampton 168400
Towalaga 185400

Number of three bedroom houses in places near by M Insurance Services Llc

Place name Number of three bedroom houses
Hapeville 918
Jenkinsburg 465
The Rock-Yatesville 846
Flovilla 683
Barnesville 2562
Stockbridge 11473
Thomaston 3746
Vaughn 770
Manchester 1401
McDonough 17083
Moreland 935
Butts County 4607
Molena 109
Hampton 3731
Towalaga 1233