Statistics & Research about Macon,GA - Dezoort Agency

Here are some statistics & research about Macon,GA an area served by Dezoort Agency

353 Pierce Ave

Real estate research for area nearby Dezoort Agency

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Houston County 135,800 803 7.1
Zenith 94,000 702 9.0
Roberta 84,000 628 9.0
Ivey 66,800 570 10.2
Danville 51,700 588 13.6
North Twiggs 65,000 658 12.1
Macon East 86,300 680 9.5
Macon West 117,900 717 7.3
Hardwick 61,400 673 13.2
Jeffersonville 57,900 559 11.6

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Dezoort Agency

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Houston County 3125
Zenith 69
Roberta 38
Danville 8
North Twiggs 78
Macon East 1126
Macon West 5067
Hardwick 95
Jeffersonville 50
Byron 61
Rutland 178
Jones County 467
Yatesville 3
Gordon 40

Number of 50 Year old houses in places near by Dezoort Agency

Place name Number of 50 year old houses
Houston County 99000
Zenith 59300
Roberta 59200
Ivey 63300
Danville 76300
North Twiggs 83100
Macon East 78400
Macon West 94600
Hardwick 114800
Jeffersonville 94000
Byron 80700
Rutland 110400
Jones County 100300
Yatesville 75000
Gordon 65400

Number of blacks in places near by Dezoort Agency

Place name Number of blacks
Houston County 40147
Zenith 1208
Roberta 1777
Danville 179
North Twiggs 1516
Macon East 16592
Macon West 54493
Hardwick 3475
Jeffersonville 741
Byron 2287
Rutland 2520
Jones County 7187
Yatesville 75
Gordon 1492

Number of four bedroom houses in places near by Dezoort Agency

Place name Number of four bedroom houses
Houston County 10692
Zenith 547
Roberta 286
Ivey 68
Danville 10
North Twiggs 242
Macon East 1041
Macon West 5736
Hardwick 107
Jeffersonville 40
Byron 764
Rutland 650
Jones County 2026
Yatesville 4
Gordon 236